Time Enough for Love

"The more you love, the more you can love-the more intensely you love. Nor is there any limit on how many you can love. If a person had time enough, he could love all of that majority who are decent and just" Robert A.Heinlein

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Love Story

Ours is a true love story.  Leah, Jacob and I are childhood friends.  We helped one another in many ways. We were and are the very best of friends. 

Of course, I have a past that did not include them.  I was married to another man, who abused me for many years.  One night, he almost killed me because I told him I was leaving him due the abuse, and I intended to get therapy. 

Praise be the Lord that Jacob and Leah, who lived next door to us, heard Damon, my ex, beating me, yelling at me calling me vulgar names. Leah called the police, while Jacob came to my rescue.  Thankfully, our door was not locked that night.  Jacob found Damon on top of me while I was on the floor.  My clothes were ripped off of me, and I laid in a puddle of my own blood. Jacob had tore my hair out of my head.  He beat my face so loudly I was unrecognizable to even my own mother and children.  I do not even remember Jacob coming to my rescue because I had passed out. Later, I found out that when Jacob found us Damon had his knife at my throat and was raping my listless body, and he had already stabbed me in my stomach and in my vagina.  

Jacob became my savior. He saved me from the murderous hands of Damon. Afterwards, I was laid up in the hospital for months trying to live.  While in the hospital, I started therapy for abuse victims. 

When I got out, I could not bare to step foot in my house that I shared with Damon, so my children and I lived with Sarah and Jacob until I could get on my feet.  Meanwhile, Damon was sentenced to prison, and I filed for divorce with the help of Leah and Jacob. They were my bedrock, my backbone, and they still are.

I went through years and years of counseling, and so did my children. Through it all, Leah and Jacob remained my rock, my cornerstone.  While living with them, we fell in love with one another.  This caused us to begin researching polyamory at the request of Leah. Our research and love led us to finally decide to become a triad, and we have been life partners to one another now for 14 years.

This is our true Love story...

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