Time Enough for Love

"The more you love, the more you can love-the more intensely you love. Nor is there any limit on how many you can love. If a person had time enough, he could love all of that majority who are decent and just" Robert A.Heinlein

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It's been awhile: Here's the update.

I know its been awhile since my last post.  I fell ill, and we had a lot going on around here.  Here's the update.  Sarah is still with us, and Leah has improved slowly. 

Often, I find that Sarah feels depressed even though she takes antidepressants.  Her doctors have changed the dosage and types, but they do not seem to help her much.  I feel that she is on an emotional roller coaster: she's depressed one minute and angry the next.  I love her, but I am at a loss at how to help her through this.  Sometimes, I think that she is looking for a way out of here, and if this be the case, I wish she'd just tell us. Of course, I'd miss her and her lovely child, especially since I've grown to love her child as my own.  Oftentimes, I think she's been flirting with this guy from her past via text. He makes her smile, but so did Jacob in the beginning. I am not sure, but I think she thinks that the grass is always greener elsewhere, and regardless of where she goes or with whom she has a relationship with, she will always be unhappy because she holds on to these extreme ideals of what life is supposed to be like.  I feel concerned because she holds extremely high standards for everyone in her life, and if these people do not stand up to these standards, she wants to just dump them or punish them.

I am trying really hard to remain positive at all times, but it can be extremely difficult when we have a pessimist in our midst.  She constantly drops hints that she will leave if we don't do this or that.  I feel saddened by this because, to me, relationships take work, and if you truly love someone, you will work hard at your relationship with them.  I also know that poly relationships take even more work than monogamous ones.  Yet, it appears that she'd rather run away or stay miserable. I pray that she finds that true happiness can only be found within our own selves.

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