Time Enough for Love

"The more you love, the more you can love-the more intensely you love. Nor is there any limit on how many you can love. If a person had time enough, he could love all of that majority who are decent and just" Robert A.Heinlein

Friday, December 31, 2010

The better life rests in The Secret

It seems that things in our household have greatly improved.  I am so excited!  Hubby has come out of his depression and low libido.  Leah has imnproved in her attitude and in the time she spends with the children and the rest of us. 

We had a great Christmas with our children and with Sarah.  We also look forward to the New Year.  The New Year brings us the chance for new beginnings and a better life.

Recently, I read the book The Secret and I learned that positive energy breeds positivity while negative energy breeds negativity. What does this mean?

If we think positively, then postive things will occur more in our life than the negative.  If we encumber ourselves with negative thoughts, then negative things will occur more in our lives.  "I think therefore I am." 

It seems to be working in my life. I find myself way less depressed, and I also seem to preceive my life way differently.  It appears that a bounce has returned to my walk and a song in my heart.

I hope you live in the postive and receive joy in your life as well.


  1. I haven't read THE SECRET (though during my stint as a bookseller at a major bookstore, I SOLD a zillion copies! lol), but that idea about positive/negative energy resonates for me. I have a tendency to sometimes look at (look FOR?) the most negative aspects/interpretations of a situation, and...well, in a certain sense I think it's an "if you go looking for a fight, you're likely to find one" kind of thing.

    Glad things are going well. :)

  2. Exactly! It's the same thing as a "self-fullfilling prophesy." We believe something bad is going to happen so much, that we look for it to happen or help make it happen. We can also do the same in a positive way.

    Thanks Crysleh!
